It’s probably not only one of the quickest ways to cause confusion, but is also the fuel that stokes the fire of most arguments. No two people will probably give the same set of directions to that all blue house that’s just one block over. This very dilemma is the same in photography as it is in life.
You’ve set the date and time for the shoot. You’re at the location. Your equipment’s all set up. Your subject takes her place in front of the camera. And then you realize that you don’t exactly know how to tell her what it is you would like her to do. Sure you’ve got a mental picture, but she can’t exactly read your mind. She stands there, growing uneasy with each passing second as you fiddle with your camera in the guise of appearing to do something productive.
If this has happened to you at some point, then take solace in the fact that you are (definitely) not alone.