Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DPP 0811, Day 29 – Megs


Beneath that handsome exterior lies a quiet confidence, which allows Megs to both blend into a crowd and stand out at the same time.

In this shot, I didn’t want to downplay his looks, but also didn’t want it to be the only quality of his that I wanted to feature. I wanted to evoke his contemplative side, but also wanted to hint at the playful nature beneath it. The strong lines in the chosen setting were used to elicit a sense of masculinity because I wanted the ‘handsome meter’ to point towards rugged and as far away from K-pop-boy-band pretty as possible.

A simple one-light portrait, which is currently my favorite from the ones that I’ve shot for this project so far.


  1. I'm glad that you have found a favorite among your portraits. Now that I view it from my screen, I agree that it does look like a painting from the times of Rembrandt. :)

  2. Thanks, P're. I guess I was lucky to have found a spot where the ambient light helped create the mood that I wanted.
