Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Return of the Outtakes


I have never been one to do extensive editing (especially retouching) in post. Sure, I process all my pictures as I shoot in a RAW format; but I realized that if I retouched most of the pictures (especially portraits) on top of my usual workflow, then I’d be stuck in front of the computer for days at a time. And I have always stood by my personal tenet to  never retouch a person’s portrait to the point where even her own mother wouldn’t be able to recognize her.

My rule has always been simple —

If the picture presents the person in the best possible way that they could be in real life (ex. a little less acne, a little more blush) and provided that any changes I make will only enhance the picture, then why not.

Well I didn’t really have a LOT of time on my hands, but I wanted to exercise my post-processing skills a bit lest they atrophy.





1 comment:

  1. Among this batch, Renee's shot is my favorite. Truly, her simplicity radiates here. :)
