Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Distilled Moments: To Tread a Measure

‘Hello,’ your eyes voiced with a cursory glance.
We are a room apart from an awkward advance.
‘How are you?’ your feet shyly stuttered.
‘We can’t be having this talk.’ my inept hands uttered.
‘Hi, are you having fun?’ your lips finally asked.
In mute praise, I tugged at my flimsy mask.
‘It’s loud here!’ you read off my face.
My heart confessed, ‘I like you... your party, this place.’


  1. Hey P're, I remember you have made this into a full poem. I am curious how you ended this.

    1. I wanted to create a series of poems in the same vein (talking about young love and the consequent heartbreak), but I shelved it for the meantime to focus on other matters.

      But, thanks for remembering.
