Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Watching the World Go By

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Life, Rebooted

For a moment there, I thought I was going to regress. I can't allow myself to be lulled back into the safety and comfort of the familiar. I'm too old for lullabies. The past week has been a crapfest character-building opportunity of sorts. I could rant about it here, but I would rather reserve my energy and use it to move on. 

In the context of pursuing my dreams, I have wasted more than half a lifetime of chances. The way I see it, I have two options:
  • Stick with the status quo or
  • Take a risk and just leap.

I choose the latter.

More to come...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fire and Ice

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In a world where the borders between disciplines are rapidly blurring, a collaboration between the arts and the sciences doesn’t sound like too much of a stretch as let’s say… bioengineering a unicorn. Seriously though, in the not too distant past the ‘odd’ pairing would be compared to the mingling of fire and ice. But, what not too many people then would have probably realized, is that the combination of the two would yield steam. And steam is not only able to open up the pores on your face turn colossal turbines to generate electricity, but it also implies an element of attraction, an all-consuming passion even. But, I digress (especially about the all-consuming passion part).

When I heard that these two became a couple, I had to say that I couldn’t be any happier for the both of them. I won’t make predictions as to what will happen in the years to come because the universe has a penchant for writing tragic endings to even the most promising of love stories. What I do hope for is that they both find happiness in the time that they have together.

As in chemistry and in literature, opposites do attract.

There are more pictures after the jump.

Watching the World Go By

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The Monster’s Maw

Friday, April 1, 2011

No Longer New, but Hopefully Improved (Part 2)

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ChemSA Officers (Academic Year 2010-2011)

*Apparently, my soak in the Hot Tub Time Machine yielded a few more gems from the past. If you want to view the full set on my Flickr page, just click on the link in the slideshow above.