Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Watching the World Go By


Life, Rebooted

For a moment there, I thought I was going to regress. I can't allow myself to be lulled back into the safety and comfort of the familiar. I'm too old for lullabies. The past week has been a crapfest character-building opportunity of sorts. I could rant about it here, but I would rather reserve my energy and use it to move on. 

In the context of pursuing my dreams, I have wasted more than half a lifetime of chances. The way I see it, I have two options:
  • Stick with the status quo or
  • Take a risk and just leap.

I choose the latter.

More to come...


  1. Take a leap, P're. There will always be a solid ground to land on.

  2. hmmnnn lain lagi ako view sa photo...kung ako lang ang masunod, dili ko mo leap, I will climb kay nakakita ko ug kahayag sa taas.... ngitngit sa ubos :D
