Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Daily Portrait Project: A Month in Mono (Day 1)

I’ve received a number of positive comments, encouragement and constructive critique for the pictures I made with my last ‘Daily Portrait Project’ that I’ve decided to continue with another round of portraits for the next 31 days. This time around I’ll be shooting using only existing light and a reflector (or two) to bounce light off of or to create fill. Also, the photos will be processed to produce a black and white image, which will help me practice my post-processing skills. Lastly, I’ll be loose with the term ‘daily’ as I’ll be posting a new photo each day, but I may have shot them at an earlier time during the week (as my schedule may not always permit me to shoot a new portrait each day). And with that lengthy prelude out of the way, on to the photos.


Day 1 – Dressed for Success


  1. Jing Jing is probably one of the very few people who actually look good in this year's uniform. Trust me when I say that the cloth looks much better in B & W.

  2. I think Shara is 1 of only 3 people I know who would look good in USC uniform. Can you guess the other two? hehehe

  3. 3? Wow, I didn't think there would be so many. :)

  4. Shara, my bayot friend Cha and of course, Pareng Kwini! :D
