Friday, March 4, 2011

Travelling Light: Single Strobe Sessions



Meet Tim. Air instrument extraordinaire. Air guitar? Watch that solo! Air drums? Groove to that roll! Just the other day, I caught him slapping a funky bass line in the air while walking down the hall. But, to the guy’s credit, he can actually play a number of musical instruments quite skillfully. Tim could very well be a music major who submitted his enrolment form to the wrong department. Hopefully, that is not the chance happening that brought Tim to chemistry.

And before I forget, you can view the lighting details after the jump.

Hey, Tim, drum roll please!

Here’s the lighting-related stuff that bounced around in my head as I shot this picture.
  • The hot shoe flash was set at 1/4th power. The increased power was to compensate for the increase in aperture that I dialed in to prevent the bright background from blowing out too much.
  • A DIY grid was attached to the strobe to focus the light in a small area. I usually do this to create a dramatic tonal contrast between the subject and his surroundings.
  • The strobe was set on a monopod, which has found more use as a handheld boom. The boom-pod (as I’d like to call it) was held by my assistant on lower camera right. I asked my assistant to hold the strobe well below the subject’s head and point it up towards his face. This allowed me to not only illuminate most of his face and part of his body, but it also let me skim some of the light off the sign overhead, so the word ‘chemistry’ can be read. One light, two birds.

Up next, I’ll introduce you to one of the most photographed people in the department (if not, the university).

More to come…


  1. oooh... i smell a band cooking... hmmm.......

  2. Hey, Sam. You know how easily I get drawn to the smell of a band in the offing. At the same time, I can't help but miss our songwriting sessions together. In the near future, perhaps a collaboration. :)
