Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hi, Hiatus!

Calm in the Midst of Chaos by Joel Locaylocay (jrlocaylocay) on

My dear loyal readers, I am going to step away from blogging for a while until I figure out how best to represent myself online. I am in the process of learning how to setup my own domain and website, so saying that I am going to be preoccupied would be an understatement as I am very much clueless about how to go about the whole thing. I am undertaking this move because I would very much like to have more control over  my pictures as uploading them on sites such as this one actually grants the hosting company a license to use it (albeit non-exclusively). Essentially, I just want to plan in preparation for my transition into self-employment.

I, of course, will keep on shooting, but will be posting my pictures on 500px for now. I am also keeping my accounts on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter, so you should still be able to reach me there for a friendly chat or perhaps commission me for a portrait sitting. As of now, I am still uncertain about the future of this blog, but for now let me just say —

Thanks for reading and I'll see you around. 

1 comment:

  1. You not blog?
    Dude you've been writing since way back when we were kids.

    You will figure something out.

    You'll be back.

    Oh yes..... You will..
