Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Sampler (I)

In a few days, the contest that I am sponsoring will come to an end. But, what excites and scares me at the same time is that by its end, I would be embarking on something that I have long pursued — to finally put my photographic talent and skill out there, hoping for someone to commission me to shoot pictures.

Anyone with a camera can take pictures, so how do I differentiate myself from the glut of photographers out there?

If I can be so bold as to identify some of my strengths: I have honed my skill at shooting portraits. I work best with a small group of people to help create memorable and revelatory pictures of a person at a specific time in their lives. I’ve also been known to employ a hot shoe flash (or two) to augment ambient light and create drama in the shot. And most importantly, as a teacher, I realize the significance of continuing to learn even though I think I may have a certain bit of knowledge down pat. But, I consider all this to be secondary to the very essence of the portrait, its subject.

The pictures that follow are a sampling of the work that I have done and could do for you if you choose to avail of my services. :-)#


There are more pictures after the jump.




I’ll post a couple more sampler sets in the next few days. Thanks for reading.

More to come …


  1. Wow! sir! these are really amazing pictures. dramatic i say :)

  2. I am glad you have finally acknowledged your strengths in public, P're. Keep it up. :)

  3. Thanks, Jan. I learned a lot from what you've shared with me, so allow me to thank you as well.
