Friday, May 28, 2010

Distilled Moments: Chicken Soup for the Chicken

Distilled Moments is my way of preserving a thought or a moment in verse; allowing the words to simmer until only the essence of what was captured remains.

There must be a flaw,
deeply engraved
into the soul of men
for our penchant to ask
for what we think we need,
yet not wanting it as much
as we’ve led you to believe
once we get it.
One apple shouldn’t ruin the bushel,
but some get picked anyway.


  1. I adore free verse. It gives you freedom to write what you want to say without agonizing what word rhymes with what. What caught my attention more, this poem is consist of two sentences and pretty sums up what you want to say. Concise and precise.

  2. Thanks, P're. I'd love to read your work sometime as well.
