Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Left Foot Out

I hesitated too long to post my photography portfolio on this site. I justified procrastinating by convincing myself that there were still a number of questions that needed to be answered to some degree of certainty. Tired with all the backpedaling, I just finally went through the longer-than-anticipated process of selecting my best work so far and posted it here for the world (or more accurately, for my loyal readers) to see.

I have decided that I will sufficiently prepare myself for this new endeavor as best as I can, but also realize that no amount of hyper-preparation will ever make me ready for every conceivable scenario. There's just a ton of lessons that can only be encountered and learned in the field, and they're not just going to go marching up my door and present themselves to me.

Photography Portfolio (2010 onwards)

So, I'm putting my best foot forward and hoping that the world notices.

*You can view my photography portfolio by clicking on the 'Portfolio' tab under the site title above. If you are interested in commissioning me for a portrait, kindly click on the 'Contact' tab above for details on how to reach me.


  1. Now that your left foot is out, I am hoping your right foot is ready to close its distance and bring your artistic abilities for the world to behold.

    Congrats, P're. I know how significant this is for you. :)

  2. Thanks, P're. I believe it's time to translate the hypothetical into the empirical. :-)#
