Monday, October 31, 2011

Watching the World Go By

Swimming with the Fishes. There is something vaguely cruel about fish in an aquarium (or any caged animal for that matter). I am in no way inferring on the capacity of fish to realize that it was deluded into thinking that the tepid water and the regular supply of food is the only world that it should (or will) ever know. But now that I think about it, things aren't that different on the other side of the glass.

*Thanks to Gary for helping me make this shot by offering to hold the flash for me.


  1. I still stand on my initial reaction when you showed me this photo. This is a beautiful shot, P're.

    What you said in your post is true. There are champions of animal rights who don't realize this. We may be the highest evolved in the kingdom but we are still capable of being caged as well, literally and figuratively speaking. :)

  2. Thanks, P're. It was an 'aha' moment for me. I was surprised, but really pleased with how the picture turned out.

    As to the caption, I was actually thinking of putting down something inspirational, but couldn't muster anything of that sort. So, I went with how I was feeling as of the moment. At the very least, I am posting again. :-)#

  3. W-O-W as in WOW!!! excellent shot of my "friends" :D

  4. Thanks, Parts. It helped that your 'friends' were a bit hungry and flocked to the glass when someone came near. :-)#

  5. I see you're using your logo now. :)

  6. Yes, I have, P're. Thanks for noticing. :-)#
