Saturday, July 28, 2012

Watching the World Go By



  1. ...yet its growth is stunted. As one grows old, more burdens to carry.

    ...stunted, yet, it is simply beautiful. :)

  2. To be limited
    by the four rounded
    corners of
    the white pot..
    I guess I'd feel rather burdened that I cannot stretch out my limits, and grow beyond the soil that has provided me. But my master knows I am bonsai... Only fit to grow small.
    Only fit to stay as I am.
    He knows that if I yearn that is not meant for me, I will get hurt and eventually lose essence of what I am.
    A bonsai tree... to grow just at this length... in this pot.. in this tiled counter...
    He unburdened me from my musings, keeping me close to Him.

  3. Thank you both for the wonderful insights.

    Growth will always come up against a limit. I believe it is in the acceptance of the things that we cannot change where we can truly liberate ourselves, even if it means to accept being bound by the four corners of our own 'pot'.
