Saturday, August 20, 2011

DPP 0811, Day 15 – Claurice


If you’ve been to the Talamban Campus of USC, you’ve most certainly walked by the Arnoldus Science Building. The structure is nestled at the base of a small hill, which is home to a number of trees.

I dragged convinced Claire (as Claurice is fondly called) to get her photo taken in front of one of the largest trees on that hill. Light was fading fast, so I was struggling to find a balance with available light. I was about to move her to another location when the floodlights (the light behind the tree on the grass) came on, which allowed me to frame and make the picture above. Just in the nick of time too because I didn’t want the subject to think that I made her walk all the way up there for nothing.

I never did agree with the administration cutting off the tops and sides of the trees just so that these lights can ‘beautifully’ illuminate the building at night (when nearly everyone has gone home). At least now, I can say, that although the cost of installing and operating them isn’t justified they’re good for use as kicker lights.


  1. In your last paragraph, I thought you would start pointing out the disadvantage of cutting down trees and the cost of unnecessary expenses. :)

    I do agree, though, that those large trees of TC are beautiful and artistically interesting and cutting them is a pure waste.

  2. It is a sad thing what they did to the trees. They could have just pruned them.
